
One-Dimensional Eye-Gaze Typing Interface for People with Locked-in Syndrome. In UIST ’22 (Poster), 2022.
Quantifying Touch: New Metrics for Characterizing What Happens During a Touch. In ASSETS ’22, 2022.
Ga11y: An Automated GIF Annotation System for Visually Impaired Users. In CHI ’22, 2022.
A Large-Scale Longitudinal Analysis of Missing Label Accessibility Failures in Android Apps. In CHI ’22, 2022.
New Metrics for Understanding Touch by People with and without Limited Fine Motor Function. In ASSETS ’21 (Poster), 2021.
ProxiMic: Convenient Voice Activation via Close-to-Mic Speech Detected by a Single Microphone. In CHI ’21, 2021.
ForceBoard: Subtle Text Entry Leveraging Pressure. In CHI ’18, 2018.
One-Dimensional Handwriting: Inputting Letters and Words on Smart Glasses. In CHI ’16, 2016.